
Kadang-kadang Allah patahkan semangat kita untuk selamatkan jiwa kita,
Dipatahkan hati kita untuk membuatkan kita lebih bersemangat,

Dia memberi kita ujian supaya menjadi lebih kuat,

Dia memberi kegagalan supaya kita rendah diri,

Dia menghantar kita sakit supaya kita boleh menjaga diri sendiri, 
Kadangkala Allah mengambil sesuatu daripada kita supaya 
kita boleh belajar menghargai segala nikmat yang diberi oleh-Nya.

LooK BacK

Don't Look Back
When You Are Moving To Success !
Don't Forget To Look Back
After Reaching Success !

MakE YouR DayS BrighteR

Accept what you must,
and change what
you can.
Think before you act,
and not regret any moment
of carelessness.
Appreciate what you have
and the wonderful 
person you are.
Enjoy the simple 
pleasures of life :
in nature and in people.
Forgive mistakes
and forget the past.
Learn and discover
new experiences and
take life as an adventure.
Dream and make plans 
for your future...
Copyright@2012.All Right Reserved By Nurin Hasya